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Visitors To Algeria

Brief Overview of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria:

Overview of Algeria

Algeria (Arabic: الجزائر, tamazight : Dzayer) officially the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, is a North African state in the Maghreb region. It is the largest country in Africa.

Since its independence in 1962, Algeria has been a member of the United Nations (UN), the African Union (AU) and the League of Arab States.

The Algerian Constitution defines ‘Islam, Arabness and Amazighness’ as ‘core components of the Algerian people’s identity’, and the country as ‘Islamic land, an integral part of the Greater Maghreb, the Mediterranean and Africa’.

Area: 2,381,741 km² divided into 58 provinces called Wilayas.

Population: 45.4 million (January 2022 estimate).

Capital: Algiers

Regime: People’s Democratic Republic.

President of the Republic: Mr Abdelmadjid Tebboune. Official languages: Arabic and Tamazight.

Religion: Islam.

Independence: 5 July 1962, Algerians celebrate their National Independence Day annually on this date.

Currency: Algerian dinar.

Time Zone: GMT+1 (All year round).

Climate: Mediterranean in the northern region, semi-arid in the central highlands and desert in the southern region. Algiers’ average daytime temperature is between 15 and 25 °C in October. The climate varies across the country due to its diverse geography.


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